
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pulse Ox and more......

If you are following my blog and we are strangers or even distant friends, you will hear me mention things like Pulse Ox and in the future you will hear me mention CHF. I am Oklahoma's advocate for starting the law to require all Oklahoma newborns to be checked with a pulse ox machine before being discharged from the hospital as part of the newborn screening process. You can follow Oklahoma's movements by joining our Facebook page if you have a Facebook account. Find us at Each state has their own page. You can also learn more here at as well as find who is taking the initiative in your state.

CHF (Children's Heart Foundation) will come in the future. I have plans to one day start Oklahoma's chapter and if someone else starts it first, then I will at least be a part of it. You can find more information on them at or at

For information's sake, I leave you with this....."Most people are unaware that Congenital Heart Defects (CHDs) are the most common birth defect in America, affecting approximately one in one hundred, or 40,000 newborns each year. CHDs are responsible for one third of all birth defect-related deaths and sadly 20 percent of children who make it through birth will not survive past their first birthday. Although a child is born every 15 minutes with a CHD, research continues to be grossly under-funded in America. Of every dollar the government spends on medical funding, only a fraction of a penny is directed toward congenital heart defect research." (Children's Heart Foundation)

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